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Title: Characterising the solution of an average cost minimisation problem with returns to scale measures and a decomposition technique
Authors: Cheung, Michael Tow 
Prof. YEUNG Wing Kay, David 
Issue Date: 1992
Source: In Gritzmann, P., Hettich R., Horst R., & Sachs E. (eds.) (1992). Operations Research ’91 (pp. 380-383).
Abstract: In standard microeconomic theory, the competitive firm operates to minimise average cost in long period equilibrium. Assuming the sufficient conditions for minimisation are satisfied, it is possible to show that the firm’s input demand functions exist, and to describe its responses to parametric changes in the prices of inputs (comparative statics). It has, however, not been possible to obtain definite results for own derivatives: e.g., the change in labour services, when its wage changes.
Type: Book Chapter
ISBN: 9783790806083
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-48417-9_104
Appears in Collections:Economics and Finance - Publication

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