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Title: World weavers: Globalization, science fiction, and the cybernetic revolution
Editors: Prof. WONG Kin Yuen 
Dr. CHAN Kit Sze, Amy 
Westfahl, Gary 
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press
Source: Wong, K. Y., Chan, A. K. S., & Westfahl, G. (Eds.) (2005). World weavers: Globalization, science fiction, and the cybernetic revolution. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Abstract: World Weavers is the first ever study on the relationship between globalization and science fiction. Scientific innovations provide citizens of different nations with a unique common ground and the means to establish new connections with distant lands. This study attempts to investigate how our world has grown more and more interconnected not only due to technological advances, but also to a shared interest in those advances and to what they might lead to in the future.
Description: 307 pages
Type: Book
ISBN: 9622097227
Appears in Collections:English Language & Literature - Publication

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