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Results 1-19 of 19

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12019Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara as a symbol for the posthuman future in the anthropoceneDr. CHAN Kit Sze, Amy Book Chapter
22018Deleuze and the humanities: East and WestEdited Book
32018Symposium on science fiction and the climate crisisCanavan, Gerry ; Dr. CHAN Kit Sze, Amy ; Ingerwersen, Moritz ; Jue, Melody ; Li, Hua ; Murphy, Patrick D. ; Robinson, Kim Stanley ; Shaviro, Steven ; Singh, Vandana ; Szeman, Imre ; Prof. WONG Kin Yuen Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42018Classical Chinese medicine and the new humanitiesDr. CHAN Kit Sze, Amy Book Chapter
52016Visualizing the universe: Mandala and Buddhist cosmology as technovisual embodimentDr. CHAN Kit Sze, Amy Book Chapter
62016Technovisuality: Cultural re-enchantment and the experience of technologyBook
72014Writing herstory: Nu Shu as cartography of empowermentDr. CHAN Kit Sze, Amy Book Chapter
82011Writing, weaving and technologyDr. CHAN Kit Sze, Amy Book Chapter
92011Science fiction and the prediction of the future: Essays on foresight and fallacyBook
102008Fractal geometry and chaos theory in literatureDr. CHAN Kit Sze, Amy Peer Reviewed Journal Article
112007電子遊戲與青少年暴力文化陳潔詩 Peer Reviewed Journal Article
122006同性戀文學: 酷異理論看《膜》陳潔詩 Book Chapter
132006科幻.後現代.後人類: 香港科幻論文精選Book
142006「纖」方百計: 透視纖體文化及身體政治陳潔詩 Book
152006視真視假: 透視視覺文化陳潔詩 ; 陳英凱 Book
162005World weavers: Globalization, science fiction, and the cybernetic revolutionBook
172005虛擬後樂園: 透視電腦遊戲文化陳潔詩 ; 朱耀偉 Book
182005When cyberfeminism meets Chinese philosophy: Computer, weaving and womenDr. CHAN Kit Sze, Amy Book Chapter
191995性別/文本政治: 女性主義文學理論陳潔詩 Book