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Title: ICM millennium lectures on games
Editors: Prof. YEUNG Wing Kay, David 
Petrosyan, Leon A. 
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Berlin: Springer
Source: Yeung, W. K. & Petrosyan, L. A. (Eds.) (2003). ICM millennium lectures on games. Berlin: Springer.
Abstract: This volume gathers together 26 selected papers from the International Congress of Mathematicians' 1st Satellite Conference on Game Theory and its Applications (2002). It contains four sections: Foundations, Concepts, and Structure; Equilibrium Properties; Applications to the Natural and Social Sciences; Computational Aspects of Games. The first section explores fundamental ideas, leading to new and analytically interesting analysis of current problems, new games and new modeling approaches. Papers in the second section discuss issues in the solution of games, and present a number of potentially fruitful ideas regarding game equilibrium. The third and fourth sections are devoted to applications to the natural and social sciences and to computation. The articles on market structure and game-based computations would be of particular interest to researchers and practitioners.
Description: 416 pages
Type: Book
ISBN: 354000615x
Appears in Collections:Business Administration - Publication

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