Yuan, Wu
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12023Robust cognitive capability in autonomous driving using sensor fusion techniques: A surveyTang, Jeff Kai-Tai ; Bibi, Khadija ; Dr. NAWAZ Mehmood ; Xiao, Shunli ; Ho, Ho-Pui ; Yuan, Wu Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22023LiDeOCTNet: A lightweight OCT-aware framework for segmentation of irregularly layered tissue structuresAbaxi, Sai Mu Dalike ; Dr. NAWAZ Mehmood ; Shi, Peilun ; Wei, Hao ; Abbasi, Syeda Aimen ; Yuan, Wu Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32023Unraveling the complexity of optical coherence tomography image segmentation using machine and deep learning techniques: A reviewDr. NAWAZ Mehmood ; Uvaliyev, Adilet ; Bibi, Khadija ; Wei, Hao ; Abaxi, Sai Mu Dalike ; Masood, Anum ; Shi, Peilun ; Ho, Ho-Pui ; Yuan, Wu Peer Reviewed Journal Article