Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis

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Adjunct Professor
Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis
Chinese Name
Personal Site
Scopus Author ID
Research Interests
Media addiction
ICT and quality of life
Internet literacy
Boredom, multitasking and smartphone use
Leung, Louis
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Date Issued:  [2020 TO 2025]

Results 1-6 of 6

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12024Cyber behavior of the net generationProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Chen, Cheng Book Chapter
22024The effects of technology readiness, risks, and benefits on smart home technology adoption: Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior modelProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Cheung, Marsena Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32021Factors influencing TikTok engagement behaviors in China: An examination of gratifications sought, narcissism, and the big five personality traitsMeng, Keira Shuyang ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42021A review of media addiction research from 1991-2016Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Chen, Cheng Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52021Editorial: Online psychology beyond addiction and gaming: A global look at mental health and internet-related technologiesAboujaoude, Elias ; Kuss, Daria Joanna ; Yao, Mike Z. ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62020Exploring the relationship between smartphone activities, flow experience, and boredom in free timeProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article

(Principal Investigator)

Results 1-1 of 1