Do both demand-following and supply-leading theories hold true in developing countries?

Conference title
Do both demand-following and supply-leading theories hold true in developing countries?
RLB 303, Research Complex, HKSYU
Start date
End date
Inter-Institutional Development Scheme (IIDS) – Recent Development in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics Analysis. Seminar :Do both demand-following and supply-leading theories hold true in developing countries? Speaker: Professor Wong, Wing Keung (Asia University, Taiwan). In this seminar, the speaker recommends using both multivariate linear and nonlinear causality tests to analyze the relationship between financial development and economic growth. In particular, multivariate nonlinear causality test allows us to consider dependent and joint effects among financial variables, and detect a multivariate nonlinear deterministic process. By the end of the seminar, the recent applications of multivariate nonlinear co-integration and causality tests will be discussed.