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Showing results 89 to 108 of 200 < previous   next >
TitleDepartmentPrincipal InvestigatorFunding Year
Job search behavior of degree students in self-financing institutions: Impact of career exploration and career adaptabilityDepartment of Counselling & PsychologyDr. CHEUNG Wai Leung, Raysen2017-2018
Lingnan writing and the reminiscence of Song Dynasty culture: A study of the late Qing poet Jiang Fengchen's literary works = 嶺南書寫、東坡情懷與宋型文化:晚清江逢辰詩作研究Department of Chinese Language and LiteratureDr. NG Chi Lim2024-2025
Longitudinal associations between adverse childhood experiences, anxiety and depression, resilience, and emotional eating: A moderated mediation model = 兒童不良經歷與情緒性進食間的縱向聯繫:焦慮、抑鬱與韌性的調節中介模型研究Department of Counselling & PsychologyDr. CHAN Chui Yi2024-2025
Mapping Diasporic Networks: The Case of the Indonesian Chinese = 映射流散網絡: 以印尼華僑華人為例Department of SociologyProf. HUI Yew-Foong2015
Mapping the grey digital divide and diversity in older ICT users post-COVID: A mixed-method research informing service and policy development = 測繪後疫情的長者數碼鴻溝及資訊科技用戶多樣性:協助制定服務及政策發展的混合研究Department of Counselling & PsychologyDr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo2022-2023
Market research and study on the utilization of private housing resourcesDepartment of Economics and FinanceProf. LI Yi Man, Rita2017-2018
A Market research and study on the utilization of subsidized housing resourcesDepartment of Economics and FinanceProf. LI Yi Man, Rita2017-2018
Mastery and helpless responses to proactivity setbacks: The role of implicit person theory = 面對主動性行為挫折的控制型及無助型反應: 內隱人格理論的作用Department of Business AdministrationDr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly2023-2024
The mechanism of textual production and the poetic significance of the woodblock prints of selection of Tang poetry in the Edo period = 江戶時代《唐詩選》和刻本的文本生成與詩學意義Department of Chinese Language and LiteratureDr. HUI Kin Yip2021-2022
The missing link: An investigation of Moism, the School of Names, and the School of Diplomats, and their place in the history of ancient Chinese psychologyDepartment of Counselling & PsychologyDr. FU Wai2015
Modern Economic Relations between Macao and Hong KongDepartment of HistoryProf. MO Shixiang2012
Navigating the visual tapestry: Unveiling stress coping in the resilience journey of caregivers of children with Special Educational Needs through photovoice in Hong Kong = 探索力量的視覺之旅:透過照片分享揭示香港特殊教育需求兒童照顧者的壓力應對之旅程Department of Counselling & PsychologyDr. CHUNG Man-chi, Sandrine2024-2025
Neuropsychological underpinnings of mental health across lifespan: From the young to the old in the time of COVID-19 pandemic = 心理健康的神經心理學基礎: 2019冠狀病毒病大流行時期的年輕人到老年人Department of Counselling & PsychologyDr. LAM Yin-Hung, Bess2023-2024
Nonlinear Cointegration and Relevant Market Definition: A Study of Grocery MarketsDepartment of Economics and FinanceDr. LEE Shu Kam2015
Ocular behaviour, construction hazard awareness and an AI chatbotDepartment of Economics and FinanceProf. LI Yi Man, Rita2018/19
'One Belt, One River': Maritime and Inland River Trade in Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces (1897–1926) = 一帶一河: 廣東及廣西兩省海洋及內河貿易Department of HistoryDr. CHOI Sze Hang, Henry2017/18
Online face-to-face psychotherapy experience of psychotherapist trainees and clients under the COVID-19 crisis: An exploratory qualitative studyDepartment of Counselling & PsychologyDr. PANG Lan-sze2020-2022
Oral History and Teaching Materials Project for Lamma IslandDepartment of HistoryDr. AU Chi Kin2015
Oral History for Eastern DistrictDepartment of HistoryDr. LO Wing Sang; Dr. AU Chi Kin2012
The Oral History for the Lamma IslandDepartment of HistoryDr. AU Chi Kin2015