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Showing results 70 to 89 of 185 < previous   next >
TitleDepartmentPrincipal InvestigatorFunding Year
ICADIWT 2015 Conference in Macau and Hong KongDepartment of Economics and FinanceDr. LI Yi Man, Rita2014
The imagination and literary practice of a "third world" Hong Kong: The introduction and appropriation of the Latin American literature in the 1970s Hong Kong = 香港文學的「第三世界」想像與實踐:1970年代香港文學對拉丁美洲文學的譯介與挪用Department of Chinese Language and LiteratureDr. Wong Ka Ki2021-2022
In face of life's problems, what does religion mean? Assessing rational choice theory with evidence from Catholic case studiesDepartment of SociologyDr. HO Yuk Ying, Irene2015
In-role and extra-role knowledge sharing among information technology professionals: A self-determination perspectiveDepartment of Business AdministrationDr. CUI Xiling, Celine2015
Influence of emotion to time perceptionCognitive Psychology LaboratoryDr. LI Wang On, Alex
Integrated waste management facilities - Phase I: Community impact assessmentDepartment of Economics and FinanceDr. LEE Shu Kam2019
Intelligent Systems Ready for the Digital Future of Supply ChainsDepartment of AccountingDr. ZHOU Qiang2016
The interactions of L1 and L2 tonal systems in Mandarin-Cantonese late bilinguals = 普通話-廣東話成年雙語者一語二語聲調系統的相互作用Department of Chinese Language and LiteratureDr. YANG Yike2022-2023
Interactive case-based pedagogical development on maritime, aviation and logistics law for supply chain and logistics operations2017-2018
International Conference on Sustainable Conservation and Use of Cultural and Natural Heritage in Japan and China: Comparative Studies and Cross-sectoral DialogueDepartment of SociologyProf. CHAN Ching, Selina2012
Investigating the dynamic relations of the six self-compassion components with academic stress across Chinese primary, secondary, and university students in Hong Kong: A longitudinal study = 以縱向研究探討自我關懷的六個元素與本港華人大中小學生的學習壓力的動態關聯Department of Counselling & PsychologyDr. CHAN Chi Keung, Alex2021-2022
Is social media a distraction or an enhancement for organisations? A social media and team creativity model (SMTCM)Department of Business AdministrationDr. CUI Xiling, Celine2016
Is time perception band-pass filtered? An examination of the aftereffect of time adaptation with rTMS = 時間感知是否會因應時間長短而有所不同?使用rTMS研究時間適應的後效應Department of Counselling & PsychologyDr. LI Wang On, Alex2020-2021
Job search behavior of degree students in self-financing institutions: Impact of career exploration and career adaptabilityDepartment of Counselling & PsychologyDr. CHEUNG Wai Leung, Raysen2017-2018
Mapping Diasporic Networks: The Case of the Indonesian Chinese = 映射流散網絡: 以印尼華僑華人為例Department of SociologyProf. HUI Yew-Foong2015
Mapping the grey digital divide and diversity in older ICT users post-COVID: A mixed-method research informing service and policy development = 測繪後疫情的長者數碼鴻溝及資訊科技用戶多樣性:協助制定服務及政策發展的混合研究Department of Counselling & PsychologyDr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo2022-2023
Market research and study on the utilization of private housing resourcesDepartment of Economics and FinanceDr. LI Yi Man, Rita2017-2018
A Market research and study on the utilization of subsidized housing resourcesDepartment of Economics and FinanceDr. LI Yi Man, Rita2017-2018
Mastery and helpless responses to proactivity setbacks: The role of implicit person theory = 面對主動性行為挫折的控制型及無助型反應: 內隱人格理論的作用Department of Business AdministrationDr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly2023-2024
The mechanism of textual production and the poetic significance of the woodblock prints of selection of Tang poetry in the Edo period = 江戶時代《唐詩選》和刻本的文本生成與詩學意義Department of Chinese Language and LiteratureDr. HUI Kin Yip2021-2022