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Title: Structural equation models in proactive coping, organizational resource and work engagement of Chinese social workers
Authors: Dr. MO Yuen-han, Kitty 
Hu, Jian 
Chan, On-Fat 
Issue Date: 2024
Source: Human Resources Management and Services, 2024, vol. 6(1), article no. 3369.
Journal: Human Resources Management and Services 
Abstract: Proactive coping behavior has been considered as important personal job resources of employees. Organizations have paid considerable attention to proactive coping behavior of employees to maintain their competitive advantage. The purpose of the current study is to discover the relationship between organizational job resources, work engagement and proactive coping using structural equation modelling. Participants were 340 licensed Chinese social workers. In the rapidly growing social work sector in China, social work organizations require psychologically connected and dedicated social workers. Findings include the effect of organizational job resources and work engagement on proactive coping. Based on the results, impacts on organizational management are discussed.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISSN: 2661-4308
DOI: 10.18282/hrms.v6i1.3369
Appears in Collections:Social Work - Publication

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