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Title: Positive technology: A new opportunity for Hong Kong social workers
Authors: Dr. MO Yuen-han, Kitty 
Dr. FONG Fu-fai, Steve 
Dr. FUNG Wing Fun, Josephine 
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Atlantis Press
Source: Mo, Y. H., Fong, F. F., & Fung, W. F. (2024). Positive technology: A new opportunity for Hong Kong social workers. In Chan, C. K., Chui, C. F., Yuen, M. C., Chan, W. L., Siu, Y. F., Thompson, N. S., Law, V., & Yung, C. S. (Eds.). Proceedings of the positive technology international conference 2023 positive technology: Possible synergies between emerging technologies and positive psychology (PT 2023). PT 2023, Hong Kong (pp. 235-247). Atlantis Press.
Conference: Positive Technology International Conference 2023 
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted face-to-face social work services in Hong Kong; however, it created opportunities for social work services to go digital. The current study aimed to explore the relationship between the perceived usefulness of technology, the motivation of using technology and the actual usage of various digital tools. Hong Kong social workers who participated in a technology seminar were invited to join the survey. Regression was used to test the association between the variables, and the results indicate that the perceived usefulness of technology and the motivation to use technology have significant positive association with the actual usage of various digital tools.
Type: Conference Paper
ISBN: 2667-128X
DOI: 10.2991/978-94-6463-378-8_16
Appears in Collections:Social Work - Publication

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