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Title: Psychotherapies: What can be done when the mind is unwell?
Authors: Prof. SEAY Thomas 
Prof. SUN Tien Lun, Catherine 
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge
Source: In Sun, C. T. L.; Chow, J. T. S. (eds.) (2024). Psychology in Asia: An introduction (2nd ed.) (pp. 416-444). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Abstract: Chapter 12 introduces the philosophy→theory→practice construct of developing models of psychotherapy in the West, and explains the place of idealism, realism, and Kantianism in the emergence of the cognitive, affective, and behavioral domains of psychology and psychotherapy. Further on, the chapter explores the four stages of development in theories of psychotherapy in the West. Techniques and skills specific to individual schools of psychotherapy are also introduced and outlined. In the last part of the chapter, the historical influence of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism on psychotherapy in the West, as well as the ongoing formation of psychotherapeutic systems in Asia, is considered. This chapter will hopefully be instrumental in cultivating a mindset amongst students suited for an East-West integration in the future development of therapeutic models.
Type: Book Chapter
ISBN: 9781032622750
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Publication

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