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Title: Critical values of the GLS TAR and GLS MTAR cointegration tests under consistent threshold estimation
Authors: Dr. WOO Kai Yin 
Dr. LEE Shu Kam 
Issue Date: 2015
Series/Report no.: Working Paper Series;August 2015
Abstract: In this paper, we consider the generalized-least-squares (GLS) threshold autoregressive (TAR) and the GLS momentum-TAR (MTAR) cointegration tests when employing consistently estimated threshold values. We simulate the finite-sample critical values for these tests with different sample sizes, varying number of variables and lagged changes in the threshold models. The critical values are useful for empirical studies using threshold cointegration analysis.
Description: 39 pages
Type: Working Paper
URI: file:///C:/Users/libsltse/Downloads/WPWorking_Paper_2015_Aug_Woo_LeeCV.pdf
Appears in Collections:Economics and Finance - Publication

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