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Title: A discrete event simulation model for airport runway operations optimisation: A case study of Cairo International Airport
Authors: Khireldin, Awad 
Dr. LAW Chi Hang, Colin 
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Henry Stewart Publications
Source: Journal of Airport Management, 2023, vol. 18(1), pp. 78-92.
Journal: Journal of Airport Management 
Abstract: Runways are the major crucial infrastructure for all airports around the world. The efficient handling of runway operations is the key to ensuring that airports are running smoothly with minimal delays and reduced queuing time on both approaches and departures. Many factors affect the efficiency of runway operations, such as the aircraft wake separation, runway system configuration, the number of runways and the fleet mix. This paper aims to address how to maximise runways operations by using the discrete event simulation model (DESM) at Cairo International Airport (HECA). The study has applied the model to evaluate the operational performance of an airport with three parallel runway setups to compare the result of the DESM with the actual runway performance in different operational scenarios. As HECA has provided its results from historical operations, the proposed scenarios will help to set the new benchmark to explore the opportunities for runways performance improvements at the airport.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISSN: 1750-1938
Appears in Collections:Business Administration - Publication

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