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Title: STAT protocol: A tool for differentiating typology of mental health concerns in statistics related experiences
Authors: Dr. FU Wai 
Issue Date: 2022
Source: Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 2022, Vol. 13(2), pp. 145-158.
Journal: Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy 
Abstract: This paper presents STAT Protocol, which is an interview protocol or a self-reflection tool for differentiating typology of mental health concerns in statistics-related experiences. The main objective of the tool is to adopt clinical interview procedures for finding out typology of four mental health concerns including depression, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and stress-related adaptation syndrome. Based on network analysis of interview transcripts on statistics related experiences, relationship of the variables including procrastination, prior mathematics performance, difficulty in understanding formulas, and the four mental health concerns were analysed. The STAT Protocol comprises 18 checkpoints (yes/ no questions) under 6 different domains (specificity, depression, anxiety, stress, state-anxiety, and academic concerns). The implications of STAT protocol are illustrated with case studies.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISSN: 2150-7686
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Publication

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