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Title: Correlates of Taiwanese gay and bisexual men’s family-building preferences: A mediation analysis
Authors: Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo 
Forth, Marty W. 
Huang, Yu-Te 
Issue Date: 2022
Source: Journal of Homosexuality, 2022, Vol. 69(10), pp. 1743-1759.
Journal: Journal of Homosexuality 
Abstract: This study investigated the role of filial piety, internalized homophobia, and desire for genetic relatedness with one’s child in gay and bisexual men’s family-building choice. A sample of 1,023 Taiwanese gay and bisexual men with a desire to have a child was recruited to complete an online survey that included the Contemporary Filial Piety Scale, the Chinese Internalized Homophobia Scale, and questions about desire for genetic relatedness with a child and acceptance of adoption and surrogacy. Mediation models, with desire for genetic relatedness as a mediator, were tested. The results show that those who chose surrogacy-only were older and had higher socio-economic status than those who selected adoption-only and both options. Filial piety and internalized homophobia were positively associated with the acceptance of surrogacy-only over adoption-only and both options. Desire for genetic relatedness mediated these relationships. This finding elucidates how sociocultural factors shape family-building preferences among gay and bisexual men.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISSN: 0091-8369
DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2021.1921509
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Publication

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