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dc.identifier.citation臺大東亞文化研究, 2015, vol. 3, pp.31-60.en_US
dc.description.abstract本文以七世紀東亞的宮廷詩與佛教的交涉與互動為主題,透過考察、比較中、日兩國王權對於宮廷詩的喜好與建構,探討七世紀東亞的政治與文化意象。在中國唐代前期,主導宮廷詩的理論基礎是儒教,唐太宗李世民君臣集團排斥帶有佛教色彩的應制詩,這使得中國南朝曾經一度興盛的、帶有佛教色彩的應制詩在發展上出現斷裂。直到唐高宗至武則天統治時期,佛教受到皇權的支持,帶有佛教色彩的應制詩變得興盛,呈現濃厚的佛教聖王政治意象。相較於中國,七世紀的日本正是由倭國轉變為日本國的關鍵時刻,來自東亞大陸的漢文學、儒教、佛教都受到日本王權的重視。佛教起初並不被納入到宮廷詩的創作範疇內,儒教才是日本宮廷漢詩的核心理念。直到八世紀,隨著日本新的一批遣唐使將中國的詩歌、文學帶回日本後,日本的宮廷才逐漸出現了帶有佛教色彩的宮廷詩。This article focuses on the interaction between East Asian palace poems and Buddhism in order to research political and cultural images. It will view said interaction through investigating and comparing Chinese and Japanese kingships' preferences as well as the very construction of palace poems. Confucianism was the theoretical basis for palace poems in Early Tang Dynasty. The political group led by Li Shimin rejected poems written at royal command that held any Buddhist connotations, resulting in the disappeance of a once thriving form of poetry written by royal decree in the South dynasties, which carried similar Buddhist implications. At that time with the reigns of Emperor Gao of Tang and Wu Zetian, Buddhism received the kingship’s support. Thus, Buddhist-influenced poetry became popular and revealed an image of a sacred Buddhist kingship. On the other hand, Japan in the seventh-century experienced a period of change, namely transforming from Wa (倭) to Japan. Chinese literature, Confucianism, and Buddhism from mainland East Asia all underwent serious consideration by the Japanese rulers during this transformative period. The Japanese kingship did not initially make use of Buddhism in their composition of palace poems. Rather, Confucianism was the main concept within Japanese palace Chinese poems. Eventually, as the Japanese envoys traveled to the Tang, poetry and literature popular during the Tang Dynasty in the eighth-century flowed to Japan, and palace poems with Buddhist imagery finally appeared in the Japanese palace.en_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Palace Poem and Buddhism in the Seventh Century in East Asiaen_US
dc.typePeer Reviewed Journal Articleen_US
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
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