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Title: Male physical attractiveness as a potential contaminating variable in ratings of heterosocial skill
Authors: Neumann, Karl F. 
Critelli, Joseph W. 
Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine 
Issue Date: 1986
Source: The Journal of Social Psychology, 1986, vol. 126(6), pp. 813-814.
Journal: The Journal of Social Psychology 
Abstract: Researchers have had difficulty isolating the specific behaviors that comprise heterosocial skill. Some researchers have found differences between anxious and non-anxious American subjects, and had suggested that observers' ratings of global skill may be contaminated by physical attractiveness. Each subject completed the Survey of Heterosexual Interactions before participating in 10-min pre and post-treatment in vivo conversations with a female confederate. He was then photographed, and his physical attractiveness was measured objectively by having 10 undergraduate women independently compare his photograph to each of 45 male photographs and judge which man was more attractive. The average number of photographs against which a subject was judged more attractive constituted the measure of attractiveness. Thus, attractiveness was judged independently of heterosocial skill.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISSN: 0022-4545
DOI: 10.1080/00224545.1986.9713666
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Publication

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