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Title: Dark triad traits and relationship satisfaction: The roles of relationship length, inclusion of other, responsiveness and implicit theories
Authors: Dr. SUNG Kwan-Kit, Marco 
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Hong Kong: Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Abstract: This study examined how Dark Triad traits (i.e., narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy,) associated with relationship satisfaction, and the mediating effects of as well as the interplay among relationship length, positive factors (i.e., responsiveness to other’s needs, inclusion of the other, relationship growth mindset, sexual growth mindset, and sexual satisfaction), and negative factors (i.e., relationship destiny mindset, and sexual destiny mindset). Self-report data were gathered in an online survey by employing standard questionnaires from participants (N = 203) consisted of straight (n = 121) and LGBT (n = 82). Unexpectedly, results showed no correlations between Dark Triad traits and relationship satisfaction, but relationship length appeared to be associated with Dark Triad traits, as well as some positive and negative factors. This revealed the potential to further investigate in the future on the possibilities which relationship length might bring. This study also looked into the differences of gender and sexual orientation on all major variables, which showed some significant results but required further studies to prove them conclusive mainly due to the imbalance ratio of male and female in LGBT and straights in the sample.
Description: 81 pages
Type: Thesis
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Theses

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