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Title: Jacques Lacan and the intrinsic (un)translatebility of names: "Name" in the English-Chinese translation of Winterson's art & lies
Authors: CHENG On Yee, Franziska 
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: The International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies
Source: New Voices in Translation Studies, 2014, Issue 11, pp. 96-119.
Journal: New Voices in Translation Studies 
Abstract: The objective of this essay is to highlight the significance of a heuristic usage of psychoanalytical and critical theories in the production of creative translation. Regarded as both a feminist and a postmodernist novelist, Jeanette Winterson's preoccupation with the (un)translatability of proper names and the consequent theme of gender ambiguity marks the difficulty of translating some of her work in gender sensitive languages. Focusing on the example "name" in "Say my name and you say sex" in Art & Lies (1995), I investigate the nature of proper names through the application of Jacques Lacan's "Schema L" and Jacques Derrida's essay 'Des Tours de Babel' (2002). The act of naming and the designation of proper names are also examined, which explicate how gender instability leads to the direct impossibility of naming, hence destabilizes the relationship between language and sex and problematizes the process of translation.
Description: Open Access
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
Appears in Collections:English Language & Literature - Publication

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