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Title: Clinical supervision and its significance in the development of the counselling profession in Hong Kong
Authors: Dr. TSE Pui Chi 
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: 香港: 香港樹仁學院
Source: Shue Yan Academic Journal, 2008, no. 4, pp. 453-460.
Journal: 樹仁學報 = Shue Yan Academic Journal 
Abstract: This paper begins with a brief history of counselling development in Hong Kong and illustrates the increasing need for counselling services in the community. To enhance this development, counselling education plays an important role in the evolvement of the profession of counselling. It is argued that apart from formal training, clinical supervision forms an integral component of the life-long learning and development of counselling. This is already a global trend, and counsellors in Hong Kong need to endorse this in order to consolidate the professionalism of counselling.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISBN: 9628719807
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Publication

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