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Title: Europe under stress: Convergence and divergence in the European community
Authors: Prof. HU Yao Su 
Issue Date: 1981
Publisher: London: Butterworths
Source: Hu, Y. S. (1981). Europe under stress: Convergence and divergence in the European community. London: Butterworths.
Series/Report no.: Butterworths European Studies;
Abstract: Applying the rigorous judgement of an economist to the problems of international politics, Dr Yao-su Hu addresses a central question in this book: what is the political significance of economic divergence and convergence for the European Community? He argues that integration theory cannot adequately explain the Community's dynamics, and instead applies the concepts of economic divergence and convergence to major Community policies as well as to its key member states. Throughout, the synthesis of economic and political analysis sheds important light on the future development of the European Community. Dr Hu concludes that its main problem stems less from the divergence of economic performance among member states than from the disparity of their national interests and national power. No student of international politics or European studies can afford to be without this book. -- Back cover.
Description: 120 pages
Type: Book
ISBN: 0408108088
Appears in Collections:University Management - Publication

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