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Title: Subgame consistent cooperation: A comprehensive treatise
Authors: Prof. YEUNG Wing Kay, David 
Petrosyan, Leon A. 
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Singapore: Springer
Source: Yeung, W. K. & Petrosyan, L. A. (2016). Subgame consistent cooperation: A comprehensive treatise. Singapore: Springer.
Series/Report no.: Theory and Decision Library C;47
Conference: 新書發佈研討會2017 
Abstract: Strategic behavior in the human and social world has been increasingly recognized in theory and practice. It is well known that non-cooperative behavior could lead to suboptimal or even highly undesirable outcomes. Cooperation suggests the possibility of obtaining socially optimal solutions and the calls for cooperation are prevalent in real-life problems... This book is a comprehensive treatise on subgame consistent dynamic cooperation covering the up-to-date state of the art analyses in this important topic. It sets out to provide the theory, solution techniques and applications of subgame consistent cooperation in a wide spectrum of paradigms for analysis which includes cooperative dynamic game models with stochastic state dynamics, with uncertain future payoffs, with asynchronous players' horizons, with random cooperation duration, with control spaces switching and with transferable and nontransferable payoffs...
Description: 520 pages
Type: Book
ISBN: 9789811015441
Appears in Collections:Business Administration - Publication

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