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Title: Hong Kong: Media transformations under democratic backsliding
Authors: Dr. LEUNG Ka Kuen, Dennis 
Chan, Michael 
Issue Date: 2025
Publisher: Wiley
Source: In Schapals, A. K., & Pentzold, C. (Eds.). (2025). Media compass: A companion to international media landscapes (pp. 302-311). Wiley.
Abstract: This chapter provides a brief survey of the recent developments of Hong Kong (HK) media in the post-National Security Law (NSL) era, elaborates on the continuities and discontinuities before and after the NSL, and assesses the current and future opportunities and challenges facing the HK media. From a politically vocal to a compliant city, HK presents a case where media transformations occur alongside political reconfigurations and where the media is vulnerable yet also resilient in the face of political uncertainty and pressure. In the post-NSL era, HK has transitioned into a new political phase of “democratic backsliding” as the state has rapidly and widely tightened its political control over the political institution, civil society, and the media sector. The rise of digital media accompanied by the loss of audiences due to the decline of media trust and emigration has threatened traditional media businesses in HK.
Type: Book Chapter
ISBN: 9781394196241
DOI: 10.1002/9781394196272.ch29
Appears in Collections:Journalism & Communication - Publication

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