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Title: Selecting the best candidate in the labour market: Policy implications to formal education
Authors: Dr. LAU Pui Yan, Flora 
Issue Date: 2014
Source: Lau, P. Y. (2014 Apr 25). Selecting the best candidate in the labour market: Policy implications to formal education. British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference 2014, UK.
Conference: British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference 2014 
Abstract: The liberal theorists suggested that achievement and meritocracy replaces ascription in modern industrial societies. Their ideas, to a large extent, go back to Weber who emphasised the role of formal selection procedures and impersonal rules in contemporary bureaucracy. Over the past few decades, the liberal theorists have come under attack on an empirical basis – for example, ascription, job commitment, personality and social skills remain vital in the selection process. This presentation analyses the empirical results of a case study of the UK publishing sector and discusses the implications for education policy in the future. Using semi-structured interviews and participant observation, this presentation explores the traits that recruiters look for in a job applicant in various roles of publishing. The research findings suggest that in addition to technical competence, recruiters look for soft skills at all positions in the selection processes. The findings echo the policy direction of the Cabinet Office which recommended that all professions should undertake reviews of fair access in their professions and initiate the ‘raising aspirations’ scheme to provide soft skills development for an enhancement of social mobility in modern Britain. Future research agenda will be promoted: whether the preferences of recruiters match the qualities of new entrants in different industrial sectors, and if there is any discrepancy, what specific policy measures can be advocated (e.g. more training on soft skills in formal education).
Type: Conference Paper
Appears in Collections:Sociology - Publication

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