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Title: A randomized controlled trial of a specific narrative group in enhancing the personal well-being of stroke survivors in Hong Kong
Authors: Prof. CHOW Oi-Wah, Esther 
Issue Date: 2011
Source: Chow, O. W. (2011 Nov 18). A randomized controlled trial of a specific narrative group in enhancing the personal well-being of stroke survivors in Hong Kong. The Gerontological Society of America’s 64th Annual Scientific Meeting, United States.
Conference: The Gerontological Society of America 64th Annual Scientific Meeting 
Abstract: As majority of the psychosocial interventions for the chronically ill clients are cognitive behavioral therapy or psycho-educational in nature, this study is a first attempt to apply narrative therapy in group practice for stroke survivors, with aims to address their psycho-social-spiritual needs, affirm their personal values and strengths, share practical wisdom of life and living, and promote continuity of the post-stroke life with positive attitude. 35 stroke survivors recruited from stroke registries of the Hospital Authority in Hong Kong are randomly assigned using computerized minimization method to either intervention group or treatment-as-usual group. Participants in the intervention group received 8 consecutive weeks of narrative therapy while the treatment-as-usual group received 8 consecutive weeks of psycho-education. Quantitative data are collected at baseline, 4 weeks, and 2 month after the sessions through face-to-face interviews to assess the effectiveness of both groups. Friedman’s ANOVA reveals that narrative therapy has significantly improved stroke survivors’ self-esteem, locus of control, subjective wellbeing, proactive coping, hope, meaning in life, and reduced depression. On the other hand, the psycho-education program is significant on hope. Findings obtained from the study contribute to the knowledge and development of strength-based practice in enhancing quality into the survival years.
Type: Conference Paper
Appears in Collections:Social Work - Publication

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