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Title: Navigating hardships in old age : Re-discovering the life wisdom of Hong Kong Chinese older adults
Authors: Prof. CHOW Oi-Wah, Esther 
Issue Date: 2017
Source: Chow, O. W. (2017 Jun 9). Navigating hardships in old age : Re-discovering the life wisdom of Hong Kong Chinese older adults. 2017 Narrative Practice Conference, Hong Kong.
Conference: 2017 Narrative Practice Conference 
Abstract: Older adults are often associated with physiological decline, developmental hardships, and our society reflects increasing societal ageist attitudes. However, according to life course principles of development, older adults generally possess rich and valuable wisdom concerning many important aspects of life. The primary objective is to describe how the life wisdom of Chinese older adults can be recognized through a strength- and meaning-based narrative practice using thematic metaphor Tree of Life (ToL). Although, ToL has been utilized in western populations upon different populations, the current study is one of the first to examine its applications under Chinese cultural influences. The ToL intervention consisted of components: revisiting the participants’ life-challenges/hardships; reflecting/rediscover on their core beliefs; making sense of their growth; celebrating the wisdom acquired in their lives; and transferring it to benefit others. A mixed method design composing qualitative inquires and randomized waitlist control design was adopted. 72 participants received a 4 session ToL intervention and 72 were in the control comparison group. All participants filled out a standardized questionnaire at pre-intervention, immediate post intervention, 2 months post intervention and 8 months post intervention. This study is significant in identifying constructive aspects of aging and clarifying the public’s misconceptions of wisdom in late adulthood development. The findings have significant theoretical contributions for professional social work practice to develop a positive approach to late life development, and ground a new theory in understanding wisdom in older adulthood with a new paradigm of clinical practice that facilitates a better understanding and appreciation of wisdom.
Type: Conference Paper
Appears in Collections:Social Work - Publication

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