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Title: The historical development of knowledge in social work supervision: Finding new directions from the past
Authors: Dr. MO Yuen-han, Kitty 
O'Donoghue, Kieran 
Wong, Yuh-ju 
Tsui, Ming Sum 
Issue Date: 2020
Source: International Social Work, 2020, vol. 64(2), pp. 187-200.
Journal: International Social Work 
Abstract: This article draws on research studies and journal articles to examine the historical development of knowledge in social work supervision. The findings highlight the process and details involved in supervision. In addition, organizational culture, empirical studies, cumulative knowledge, and contextual environment are of critical importance to the formation. In the future, supervisory practice will need to take account of the balance of administrative and educational functions of supervision, to create more opportunities for professional autonomy, and the demands of implementing evidence-based supervisory practice.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISSN: 0020-8728
Appears in Collections:Social Work - Publication

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