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Title: Advergames for public service promotion: Using digital games to deliver anti-drug abuse messages to children
Authors: Lee, Pui Yuen 
Dr. LAU Kung Wong 
Issue Date: 2014
Source: Lee, P. Y., & Lau, K. W. (2014 Jun 28). Advergames for public service promotion: Using digital games to deliver anti-drug abuse messages to children. ICORIA 2014, Amsterdam.
Conference: ICORIA 2014 
Abstract: Children’s experiences with and concerns about the use of digital games for delivering health messages were explored. Twelve Hong Kong children aged 9 to 12 were exposed to digital games designed to communicate health messages and then interviewed. They stated that they found digital games interesting and entertaining even when communicating serious messages, including anti-drug abuse messages. They mentioned character design and audio effects as important components for gaining their attention. They preferred games with fighting and adventuring components. These results suggest that it is important to focus on the positive side of gaming, promoting children’s health issues and healthy behavior.
Type: Conference Paper
Appears in Collections:Journalism & Communication - Publication

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