Xu, Zong-Ben
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Results 1-16 of 16

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12016Cancer survival analysis using semi-supervised learning method based on Cox and AFT models with L1/2 regularizationLiang, Yong ; Chai, Hua ; Liu, Xiao-Ying ; Xu, Zong-Ben ; Zhang, Hai ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22014The L1/2 regularization method for variable selection in the Cox modelLiu, Cheng ; Liang, Yong ; Luan, Xin-Ze ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Chan, Tak-Ming ; Xu, Zong-Ben ; Zhang, Hai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32013Adaptive L1/2 shooting regularization method for survival analysis using gene expression data Open AccessLiu, Xiao-Ying ; Liang, Yong ; Xu, Zong-Ben ; Zhang, Hai ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42013Sparse logistic regression with a L1/2 penalty for gene selection in cancer classificationLiang, Yong ; Liu, Cheng ; Luan, Xin-Ze ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Chan, Tak-Ming ; Xu, Zong-Ben ; Zhang, Hai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52012A improve direct path seeking algorithm for L 1/2 regularization, with application to biological feature selectionLiu, Cheng ; Liang, Yong ; Luan, Xin-Ze ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Chan, Tak-Ming ; Xu, Zong-Ben ; Zhang, Hai Conference Proceedings
62012Iterative L1/2 regularization algorithm for variable selection in the Cox proportional hazards modelLiu, Cheng ; Liang, Yong ; Luan, Xin-Ze ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Chan, Tak-Ming ; Xu, Zong-Ben ; Zhang, Hai Conference Paper
72012Regularization path for linear model via net methodLuan, Xin-Ze ; Liang, Yong ; Liu, Cheng ; Xu, Zong-Ben ; Zhang, Hai ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Chan, Tak-Ming Conference Paper
82007Neural Network training using genetic algorithm with a novel binary encodingLiang, Yong ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Xu, Zong-Ben Conference Paper
92007A novel splicing/decomposable binary encoding and its operators for genetic and evolutionary algorithmsLiang, Yong ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Xu, Zong-Ben Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102005Scalable model-based cluster analysis using clustering featuresJin, Huidong ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Wong, Man-Leung ; Xu, Zong-Ben Peer Reviewed Journal Article
112004An expanding self-organizing neural network for the traveling salesman problemProf. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Jin, Hui-Dong ; Xu, Zong-Ben Peer Reviewed Journal Article
122003Efficiency speed-up strategies for evolutionary computation: Fundamentals and fast-GAsXu, Zong-Ben ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Liang, Yong ; Leung, Yee Peer Reviewed Journal Article
132003An Efficient Self-Organizing Map Designed by Genetic Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman ProblemJin, Hui-Dong ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Wong, Man-Leung ; Xu, Zong-Ben Peer Reviewed Journal Article
142002An automata network for performing combinatorial optimizationXu, Zong-Ben ; Jin, Hui-Dong ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Leung, Yee ; Wong, Chak-Kuen Peer Reviewed Journal Article
152002Efficiency speed-up strategies for evolutionary computation: An adaptive implementationProf. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Sun, Jian-Yong ; Xu, Zong-Ben Peer Reviewed Journal Article
162001A new model of simulated evolutionary computation-convergence analysis and specificationsProf. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Duan, Qi-Hong ; Xu, Zong-Ben ; Wong C.K. ; Wong C.K. ; Duan Q.-H. ; Xu Z.-B. Peer Reviewed Journal Article