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Acting Head & Assistant Professor
English Literature Stream Coordinator
Education Concentration Coordinator
Dr. BALE Rebekah
Personal Site
Research Interests
Shakespeare and adaptations
Literature and film
Bale, R.
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Results 1-17 of 17

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12025Asian tourists and Shakespearean heritage: What the numbers tell usDr. BALE Rebekah Presentation
22024Current research in literary studiesDr. BALE Rebekah Presentation
32023Asian Shakespearean tourismDr. BALE Rebekah ; Henrique Fatima Boyol Ngan Book Chapter
42023The urgency of theatre: Shakespeare, Sony Labou Tansi and pushing the boundaries of performanceDr. BALE Rebekah Conference Paper
52023“The world to me is but a ceaseless storm”: Pericles, the porpoise, and the resistance of exileDr. BALE Rebekah Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62022The world to me is but a ceaseless storm”: pericles, the porpoise and exile as a site of resistanceDr. BALE Rebekah Conference Paper
72022Macbeki, dir. Pieter-Dirk Uys, South Africa, 2008Dr. BALE Rebekah Book Chapter
82022Uys, Pieter-DirkDr. BALE Rebekah Book Chapter
92022Virahsawmy, DevDr. BALE Rebekah Book Chapter
102022Ong, Keng SenDr. BALE Rebekah Book Chapter
112020La resurrection rouge et blanche de romeo et Juliette by Sony Labou Tansi (Congo, 1992)Dr. BALE Rebekah Book Chapter
122020Macbeth by Jo Nesbo (Hogarth Press, 2016)Dr. BALE Rebekah Book Chapter
132017“Un théâtre d’intervention”: Two Congolese adaptations of ShakespeareDr. BALE Rebekah Other Article
142017Shakespeare in translation: A congolese adaptation of Romeo and JulietDr. BALE Rebekah Conference Paper
152017An adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, ‘La Résurrection rouge et blanche de Romeo et Juliette’ by the Congolese writer Sony Labou TransiDr. BALE Rebekah Conference Paper
162016La délinquance idéologique: Sony labou tansi and the political love story of Romeo and JulietDr. BALE Rebekah Peer Reviewed Journal Article
172011Shakespeare in AfricaDr. BALE Rebekah Other Article

Results 1-1 of 1

NameVenueStart DateEnd DateType
1st Lunchtime Research SeminarLanguage Center RLG104, Hong Kong Shue Yan University16-09-202416-09-2024Seminar