Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis

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Adjunct Professor
Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis
Chinese Name
Personal Site
Scopus Author ID
Research Interests
Media addiction
ICT and quality of life
Internet literacy
Boredom, multitasking and smartphone use
Leung, Louis
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Results 41-60 of 106

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
412013Introduction: Challenges for new media researchLee, Francis L. F. ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Qiu, Jack L. ; Chu, Donna S. C. Book Chapter
422013Generational differences in content generation in social media: The roles of the gratifications sought and of narcissismProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
432013Factors influencing online poll participation: An examination of perception of online polls, information literacy, and political efficacy in Mainland ChinaZhao, Kevin Wenyuan ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
442013Effects of narcissism, leisure boredom, and gratifications sought on user-generated content among net-generation usersPoon, Damon Chi Him ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Book Chapter
452012Impact of Internet literacy, Internet addiction symptoms, and Internet activities on academic performanceProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Lee, Paul S. N. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
462012Gratification opportunities, self-esteem, and loneliness in determining usage preference of BBS and blogs among teenagers in ChinaHuang, Hanyun ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
472012Lifestyles, gratifications sought, and narrative appeal: American and Korean TV drama viewing among Internet users in urban ChinaJiang Qiaolei ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
482012Effects of individual differences, awareness-knowledge, and acceptance of Internet addiction as a health risk on willingness to change Internet habitsJiang, Qiaolei ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
492012Gratification, loneliness, leisure boredom, and self-esteem as predictors of SNS-Game addiction and usage pattern among Chinese college studentsZhou, Selina Xingyuan ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
502012The influences of information literacy, internet addiction and parenting styles on internet risksProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Lee, Paul S. N. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
512012The net generationProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Zheng, Cindy Pei Book Chapter
522011Gratifications, collective self-esteem, online emotional openness, and traitlike communication apprehension as predictors of Facebook usesZhang, Yin ; Tang, Leo Shing-Tung ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
532011Instant messaging addiction among teenagers: Abstracting from the Chinese experienceHuang, Hanyun ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Book Chapter
542011Loneliness, social support, and preference for online social interaction: The mediating effects of identity experimentation online among children and adolescentsProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
552011Effects of ICT connectedness, permeability, flexibility and negative spillovers on burnout and job and family satisfactionProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
562011Effects of narcissism, leisure boredom, and gratifications sought on user-generated content among net-generation usersPoon, Damon Chi Him ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
572011Internet communication versus face-to-face interaction in quality of lifeLee, Paul S. N. ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Lo, Venhwei ; Xiong, Chengyu ; Wu, Tingjun Peer Reviewed Journal Article
582010Effects of motives for internet use, aloneness, and age identity gratifications on online social behaviors and social support among adolescentsProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Book Chapter
592010Effects of Internet connectedness and information literacy on quality of lifeProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
602010Chinese journal of communicationLee, Paul S. N. ; Lee, Francis L. F. ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Qiu, Jack Linchuan ; So, Clement Y. K. Peer Reviewed Journal Article

(Principal Investigator)

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