International Journal of Stress Management


(All Publications)

Results 1-4 of 4

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12011Impulsivity, life stress, refusal efficacy, and problem gambling among Chinese: Testing the diathesis-stress-coping modelProf. TANG So Kum, Catherine ; Chua, Zhiren ; Wu, Anise M. S. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22007The influence of emotional dissonance and resources at work on job burnout among Chinese human service employeesCheung, Francis Yue Lok ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32011Psychological capital as a moderator between emotional labor, burnout, and job satisfaction among school teachers in ChinaCheung, Francis Yue Lok ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine ; Tang, Shuwen Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42018Work antecedents, confucian work values, and work-to-family interference in Hong Kong: A longitudinal studyDr. WONG Chi-kin, Kenchi ; O'Driscoll, Michael P. Peer Reviewed Journal Article