Research Lecture Series – Two Lectures on Mediation, Lecture 1 Title: “Choosing Suitable Mediation Tools and Achieving Results”; Lecture 2 Title: “Into the Breach: Ethics and Decision-making in a Real and Virtual World”

Conference title
Research Lecture Series – Two Lectures on Mediation, Lecture 1 Title: “Choosing Suitable Mediation Tools and Achieving Results”; Lecture 2 Title: “Into the Breach: Ethics and Decision-making in a Real and Virtual World”
Auditorium, Business Environment Council Building
Start date
End date
Hong Kong Shue Yan University 2017 Interdisciplinary Research Lecture Series – Two Lectures on Mediation, Lecture 1 Title: “Choosing Suitable Mediation Tools and Achieving Results”, Speaker: Professor Sharon Press (Director, Dispute Resolution Institute, Mitchell Hamline School of Law); Lecture 2 Title: “Into the Breach: Ethics and Decision-making in a Real and Virtual World”, Speaker: Professor David Smith (Practice Professor of Law, School of Law, Singapore Management University).