Browsing by Department Department of English Language and Literature

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 47  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2010Androgyny, feminism and gender oppression in Joanna Russ's the Female Man陳配楠 Thesis
2021Applying conceptual metapher theory to literary pedagogy for university students in Hong Kong: reading shakespearean sonnetsWong, Kit Wai, Kitty Thesis
2018Bebop jazz and Ginsberg's poetics intertwined : an analysis on Allen Ginsberg's "Howl"Wong, Tin Yan Thesis
2011Bridging virtual reality and hyperreality : how video games influence our perception of sight, body and identity林詠雅 Thesis
2009Chaos and madness : different interpretations of lear in moviesWong, Sin Ting Michelle Thesis
2017Collision and fusion : colonialism and cultural identity in George Orwell's Burmese DaysLaw, Ho Naam Thesis
2018A comparative analysis : time marking system in Cantonese and EnglishMok, Yuen Ying Thesis
2014A comparative study of the translation of metaphors in proses and newsWang, Chun Thesis
2010Cyberspace and virtual reality : transforming perception of body, identity and reality梁湛琛 Thesis
2020The Development of American individualism and the fall of religion : Emerson’s self reliance and West’s Miss LonelyheartsLee, Hau Yu, Vienna Thesis
2011Difficulties in studying English poems : a qualitative approach with local secondary students in Hong Kong潘志強 Thesis
2019Does segmental accuracy change over time with intensive and continuous radio input? : a study on the restructuring of vowel length contrast parameter and diphthong reduction in Cantonese-English and Mandarin-English learningCheng, King Fung Thesis
2012Eco-ethics literature and culture : a comparative study of Gary Snyder's ecocriticism and asian philosophy, literature and artsNg, Ting Yan Thesis
2021Entering the singularity : should human be afraid of being a posthuman?Chan, Chun Ho, Tommy Thesis
2012Exploring the possibilities : the issues of reproduction, motherhood and sexuality in science fictionsFung, Sze Wai Thesis
2011Features in the production of English consonants in the onset position by Cantonese and Mandarin EFL speakers崔嘉怡 Thesis
2018Food culture and prosumption in the Capitalocene : a reading of carnism and ecological theories in advertisement and moviesMonthong, Vickie Wing Ki Thesis
2020Gender and cross-dressing theme in children’s literatureTo, Hoi Ting, Helen Thesis
2015The gender dualism in Ursula Kroeber Le Guin's The left hand of darkness : a Daoist and Deleuzean perspectiveAu, Hiu Sze Thesis
2017History and apocalyptic violence : the Leda myth in D. H. Lawrence, Yeats and H. D.Law, Wing Ki Thesis