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Showing results 137 to 156 of 198 < previous   next >
TitleDepartmentPrincipal InvestigatorFunding Year
Service review for Forget Thee Not personalized funeral and home palliative care supportDepartment of Counselling & PsychologyDr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo2019-2020
Settlement towns built on the north-eastern steppe of Inner Mongolia during Khitan-Liao and their impact on Chinese history: A new inquiry on Touxia = 契丹-遼王朝建立在內蒙古東北草原上的定居城鎮及其對中國歷史的影響:對「投下」的新探究Department of Chinese Language and LiteratureProf. YANG Ruowei2023-2025
Shifting Strategies and Coalition Dynamics of the Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong Kong: The Role of Perceived Opportunities and Threats = 香港民主運動的策略與聯盟變化:感知政治機會與威脅的角色Department of SociologyDr. LI Hang2019-2020
Spurious moderated mediation effect: A methodological remedy = 虛假調解中介效應: 排除方法的探討Department of Counselling & PsychologyNG Chi Kit, Jacky2020-2021
State of the art research in artificial intelligence and ubiquitous city = 人工智能和無處不在的智慧城市最新研究Department of Economics and FinanceProf. LI Yi Man, Rita2019-2020
Stress-Buffering Effects of Coping Strategies and Social Supports on Psychological Distress: A Longitudinal Panel Study of the Antecedents of Problematic Social Media Use = 應對策略及社會支援的中介作用: 一項與社交媒體「問題使用」成因的縱向研究Department of Applied Data ScienceProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis2020-2021
Student Acceptance and Continuance of Learning Management System Usage: A School-based Longitudinal StudyDepartment of Counselling & Psychology2014-2016
A Study of Funeral Culture in Hong KongDepartment of HistoryDr. CHAU Chi Fung2015
A study of the Hong Kong colonial government's policy to Chinese burials (1945-1997) = 港英殖民政府對華人殯葬政策的研究(1945-1997)Department of HistoryDr. CHAU Chi Fung2021-2022
A study on "civic values and engagement of 'post-90s' in Hong Kong" = 香港"九十後"的公民價值及參與研究Chiu, Stephen W. K.
A study on the Cargo Vessel Trader’s AssociationDepartment of SociologyProf. CHAN Ching, Selina2010
Supporting Service to Children with Special Education NeedsDepartment of Counselling & PsychologyProf. SUN Tien Lun, Catherine2012
Survey on food insecurity and life satisfaction on the poor living in Sham Shui PoDepartment of Economics and FinanceDr. LEE Shu Kam
Survey on Hidden Youth Drug Abusers and their family RelationshipDepartment of Social WorkDr. AU Wing Kwong2012
A systematic examination of the neural correlates of subjective time perception with fMRI and tDCS = 運用功能性腦磁力共振與直接電流刺激(tDCS)有系統地研究腦部與時間流動感知之關聯Department of Counselling & PsychologyDr. LI Wang On, Alex2017
Three Chaozhou Hungry Ghosts Festival: Research and promotionDepartment of SociologyProf. CHAN Ching, Selina2020-2023
Trauma, Memory, And Healing in Modern Asian LiteratureDepartment of English Language and LiteratureDr. JAYAWICKRAMA Sharanya2015
Understanding the Elderly-computer Interaction (ECI) in social-virtual reality applications: An exploratory study of the semiotic-driven approach and post-experiment user enquiry = 理解在社交虛擬實境應用中的老年人與電腦互動介面設計(ECI):採用符號驅動方法和使用者意圖的探索性研究Department of Applied Data ScienceProf. LAU Kung Wong, Nick2024-2025
Understanding the new solidarities and public roles of transnational Chinese Buddhist organizations by movement organization theory = 運動組織理論視角下的跨國中國佛教組織凝聚力和公共角色研究Department of SociologyDr. HUANG Weishan2022-2023
Understanding the Pillars of Hong Kong Economy – Tourism and Retail Sector – Interactive Learning ProgramDepartment of Economics and FinanceDr. LEE Shu Kam2009