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Showing results 12 to 31 of 34 < previous   next >
TitlePrincipal InvestigatorCo-investigator(s)Funding Year
Construction and validation of Chinese scale measuring statistics anxiety of university students = 建立和驗證華人大學生的統計焦慮量表Dr. FU Wai2017/18
A systematic examination of the neural correlates of subjective time perception with fMRI and tDCS = 運用功能性腦磁力共振與直接電流刺激(tDCS)有系統地研究腦部與時間流動感知之關聯Dr. LI Wang On, Alex2017
Positive Neuroscience: A Dialogue Between Scientists and PractitionersDr. CHAN Chi Keung, Alex2017
Vocational identity, career development and graduate adjustment: A longitudinal study of sub-degree students in Hong Kong = 職業自我認同、生涯發展及畢業適應: 香港副學位學生的縱向研究Dr. CHEUNG Wai Leung, Raysen2018/19
Adapting to the challenges of the tenth decade of life: A mixed method study with Hong Kong near-centenarians and centenarians = 應對第十個十年的挑戰:香港近百歲及百歲老人的混和方法研究Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo2019-2020
Enhancing Parents' Competency to Support the Social and Emotional Needs of Young Children Through a Parent-Based Empathy and Compassion Intervention = 發展一項以家長為中心的同理心和憐憫的介入方式籍以增強家長支援幼童社交和情緒需要的能力Dr. SIU Yat-fan, Nicolson2019-2020
An Effectiveness Study of a Narrative Life-design Vocational Counselling Paradigm for High-functioning Youth with Psychosis = 為患有思覺失調高功能青年人而設的敍事人生規劃生涯輔導範式的有效性研究Dr. ZHOU Dehui, Ruth2019-2020
Job search behavior of degree students in self-financing institutions: Impact of career exploration and career adaptabilityDr. CHEUNG Wai Leung, Raysen2017-2018
Evaluation of the psychosocial and art skill changes of the artistsDr. ZHOU Dehui, Ruth2019-2020
Posttreatment life planning and relapse prevention: An effectiveness study of an integrative model of vocational life design for young rehabilitated drug abusersDr. ZHOU Dehui, RuthProf. CHEUNG Yuet-Wah; Dr. LI Hang2019-2021
Service review for Forget Thee Not personalized funeral and home palliative care supportDr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo2019-2020
Youth gambling prevalence in online gaming and eSports environment research (in collaboration with Hong Kong children and youth services)Dr. CHAN Chi Keung, AlexDr. CHUI Chi Fai, Raymond; YUEN Wai Hang, Anderson; Dr. SIU Yat-fan, Nicolson2020-2021
Online face-to-face psychotherapy experience of psychotherapist trainees and clients under the COVID-19 crisis: An exploratory qualitative studyDr. PANG Lan-sze2020-2022
Spurious moderated mediation effect: A methodological remedy = 虛假調解中介效應: 排除方法的探討NG Chi Kit, Jacky2020-2021
Is time perception band-pass filtered? An examination of the aftereffect of time adaptation with rTMS = 時間感知是否會因應時間長短而有所不同?使用rTMS研究時間適應的後效應Dr. LI Wang On, Alex2020-2021
Investigating the dynamic relations of the six self-compassion components with academic stress across Chinese primary, secondary, and university students in Hong Kong: A longitudinal study = 以縱向研究探討自我關懷的六個元素與本港華人大中小學生的學習壓力的動態關聯Dr. CHAN Chi Keung, Alex2021-2022
The effect of abnormal structural and functional resting-state connectivity in prefrontal cortex and increased exposure to traffic-related air pollutants on schizotypy = 前額葉灰質量及功能性連結和交通有關的空氣污染物對精神分裂型人格特質的影響Dr. LAM Yin-Hung, Bess2022-2023
Mapping the grey digital divide and diversity in older ICT users post-COVID: A mixed-method research informing service and policy development = 測繪後疫情的長者數碼鴻溝及資訊科技用戶多樣性:協助制定服務及政策發展的混合研究Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo2022-2023
Human resilience, life adversity, and adaptation to life course transitions from early adulthood to late middle adulthood = 抗逆力,生活逆境,和早期成年到晚期成年的生活適應Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine2022-2023
Preparing for the launching of Esports: An interdisciplinary and holistic perspective in prevention of teenage gaming addiction problem based on Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological model in the era of EsportsDr. FU Wai2020-2021