Research Outputs
Item hits:
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | |
1 | 1997 | 接合與更替 | 莫世祥教授 | Book |
2 | 1997 | Entrepreneurship and economic development in Hong Kong | Prof. YU Fu Lai, Tony | Book |
3 | 1997 | Harm reduction: A new direction for drug policies and programs | Book | |
4 | 1997 | Introduction: The search for harm reduction | Erickson, Patricia G. ; Riley, Diane M. ; Prof. CHEUNG Yuet-Wah ; O'Hare, Patrick A. | Book Chapter |
5 | 1997 | Crack use in Canada: A distant American cousin | Prof. CHEUNG Yuet-Wah ; Erickson, Patricia G. | Book Chapter |
6 | 1997 | 性格重建訓練班 (第三版) | 孫天倫教授 | Book |
7 | 1997 | 觀人於微 (第六版) | 孫天倫教授 | Book |
8 | 1997 | 文心雕龍新探 | 張少康教授 | Book |
9 | 1997 | 如何開發自我潛能 | 孫天倫教授 | Book |
10 | 1997 | 愛情戀愛餐 | 孫天倫教授 | Book |
By type
- 8916 Researcher profiles
- 4868 Publications
- 2187 Theses
- 1725 Journals
- 1531 Conference Materials
- 1380 Events
- 185 Fundings
- 42 Organizations