Research Outputs

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12023Beyond the gender binary: An analysis of the representation of androgyny in Wang XifengDr. LIU Jianwen, Kacey Book Chapter
22023The road ahead: Should Hong Kong develop five pillars of old age protection?Dr. LAM Gigi Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32023Encaged and enraged: A study of how leavel of aggression relates to perceived crowdedness, risk, and boredomDr. LO Lap Yan ; Dr. LI Wang On, Alex Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42023"Decoding MH" -- A de-stigmatization campaign in the Hong Kong police forceChan, Elaine Yin Ling ; Lui, Jasmine Tsz Ting ; Mak, Alison Lai Ping ; Dr. LAU Kam Lun, Edmond Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52023Market anomaliesWong, Wing-keung ; Dr. WOO Kai Yin ; HON Tai Yuen, Kurt ; Dr. AU Wing Kwong Other Article
62023Market efficiencyHON Tai Yuen, Kurt ; Dr. WOO Kai Yin ; Dr. AU Wing Kwong ; Wong, Wing-keung Other Article
72023Asian Shakespearean tourismDr. BALE Rebekah ; Henrique Fatima Boyol Ngan Book Chapter
82023Income differences of Chinese sub-ethnic groups in CanadaFong, Eric ; Dr. MAN Pui-Kwan Peer Reviewed Journal Article
92023Long-run validity of purchasing power parity between China and the post-Soviet BRI countriesDr. LEE Shu Kam ; Lee, Hugo Hin-To ; Dr. WOO Kai Yin Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102023Mitigating the risk of respiratory infection outbreaks in crowded nursing homes in Hong KongDr. CHOW Kit Ling, Lina Peer Reviewed Journal Article