Research Outputs
Item hits:
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | |
1 | 1998 | 中國省份差異與經濟發展 | 李樹甘博士 ; 陳慶年 ; 李崇高 | Book Chapter |
2 | 1998 | China's economic reforms and transformations in social structures: Some conceptual issues | Prof. HU Yao Su | Book Chapter |
3 | 1998 | 中國建立全民養老保險制度芻議 | 潘志昌博士 | Book Chapter |
4 | 1998 | A comparison of the trends in investment on higher education and economic growth in Singapore and Hong Kong | WONG Fuk Kin, Joe | Working Paper |
5 | 1998 | 細看人心 (第三版) | 孫天倫教授 | Book |
6 | 1998 | Irrational expectations and exchange rate volatility | Dr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas | Book Chapter |
7 | 1998 | 先秦容禮研究 | 魯士春博士 | Book |
8 | 1998 | Self-directed learning: Planning an economics course using the staged self-directed learning model | WONG Fuk Kin, Joe | Working Paper |
9 | 1998 | A study of the manpower reports in Hong Kong (1990, 1991 and 1994): Its uses, limitations and implications | WONG Fuk Kin, Joe | Working Paper |
10 | 1998 | 香港詩情 | 洪肇平老師 ; 何文滙 ; 何乃文 | Book |
By type
- 8930 Researcher profiles
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- 43 Organizations