Research Outputs

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
11998中國省份差異與經濟發展李樹甘博士 ; 陳慶年 ; 李崇高 Book Chapter
21998China's economic reforms and transformations in social structures: Some conceptual issuesProf. HU Yao Su Book Chapter
31998中國建立全民養老保險制度芻議潘志昌博士 Book Chapter
41998A comparison of the trends in investment on higher education and economic growth in Singapore and Hong KongWONG Fuk Kin, Joe Working Paper
51998細看人心 (第三版)孫天倫教授 Book
61998Irrational expectations and exchange rate volatilityDr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas Book Chapter
71998先秦容禮研究魯士春博士 Book
81998Self-directed learning: Planning an economics course using the staged self-directed learning modelWONG Fuk Kin, Joe Working Paper
91998A study of the manpower reports in Hong Kong (1990, 1991 and 1994): Its uses, limitations and implicationsWONG Fuk Kin, Joe Working Paper
101998香港詩情洪肇平老師 ; 何文滙 ; 何乃文 Book