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Title: Classroom management for children with diverse learning needs
Authors: Prof. HUE Ming Tak 
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Hong Kong University Press
Source: In Phillipson, Shane N.(Ed.). 2007. Learning diversity in the Chinese classroom: Contexts and practice for students with special needs (pp. 459-486). Hong Kong University Press.
Abstract: At a time when the inclusive classroom is being actively promoted in many countries in Asia, teachers and parents frequently ask how a diverse classroom can be managed effectively. To ensure they create and maintain an effective classroom, teachers have to develop an intellectual framework for thinking not only about how to teach but also about ways of catering for the diverse learning needs of individual students. This chapter offers a broad view of classroom management and stresses its positive functions in managing the diversity of students’ learning needs. It also makes particular reference to managing the inclusive classroom and, although it focuses on the Hong Kong classroom, the content is broadly applicable to the “Chinese” classroom.
Type: Book Chapter
ISBN: 9789882207134
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Publication

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