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Title: Classroom management: Creating a positive learning environment
Authors: Prof. HUE Ming Tak 
Li, Wai Shing 
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Hong Kong University Press
Source: Hue, Ming Tak & Li, Wai Shing (2008). Classroom management: Creating a positive learning environment. Hong Kong University Press.
Abstract: This book is principally about the management of student conduct in the classroom, which is the number one area of concern of many teachers. The chapters include discussions and real-life cases with specific reference to the influences of Chinese culture on Hong Kong classrooms. Numerous examples are provided to illustrate how positive learning environments can be created and maintained in the classroom. The topics covered include managing challenging behaviour, establishing classroom rules, conveying authority, and coping with bullying.
Description: 220 Pages
Type: Book
ISBN: 9789882206748
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Publication

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