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Title: Embodied weather: Promoting public understanding of extreme weather through immersive multi-sensory virtual reality
Authors: Dr. KE Pingchuan, Patrick 
Keng, Kai-Ning 
Jiang, Shanshan 
Cai, Shaoyu 
Rong, Zhiyi 
Zhu, Kening 
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery
Source: Ke, Pingchuan, Keng, Kai-Ning, Jiang, Shanshan, Cai, Shaoyu, Rong, Zhiyi & Zhu, Kening (2019). Embodied weather: Promoting public understanding of extreme weather through immersive multi-sensory virtual reality. In Spencer, Stephen N. (Ed.). VRCAI '19: Proceedings of the 17th international conference on virtual-reality continuum and its applications in industry. VRCAI '19: The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, Brisbane QLD Australia (pp. 1-2). Association for Computing Machinery.
Conference: VRCAI '19: The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry 
Type: Conference Paper
ISBN: 9781450370028
Appears in Collections:Sociology - Publication

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