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Title: 隋代的王權與佛教:以仁壽設塔活動為核心
Other Titles: Buddhism and Kingship in Sui Dynasty: Focusing on the Constructions of Stupa During the Renshou period
Authors: 李志鴻博士 
Issue Date: 2015
Source: 中華佛學研究, 2015, vol. 16, pp. 105-126.
Journal: 中華佛學研究 
Abstract: 本文以隋文帝在仁壽年間的舍利塔設置活動為核心,透過佛教王權的視角,探討隋代佛教王權對於中國中古皇帝制度的影響。隋文帝的仁壽舍利塔設置活動具有高度的政治意義,他藉此活動建構新的統一帝國統治意識形態,凝聚帝國不同社會階層、地域、族群人們,增進他們對於帝國的統治認同。透過結合傳世文獻與舍利塔銘,我們可以發現隋文帝試圖將帝國建構為理想的佛教國家,他運用帝國的中央與地方官僚系統來執行建塔等活動,以達到全國各地人們共同發願棄惡從善與效忠國家。這可以視為隋代王權與佛教深度結合的表現,佛教有助於帝王教化人民,也能促進人們對其統治的認同。特別的是,隋文帝的王權可能帶有二元性,他既是受天命治天下的天子,同時也是佛教聖王與全國性邑義的發起人。這兩種不同身分共同匯聚在他身上,構成了隋代王權與佛教的特色。 This article, focusing on the constructions of Stupa during the Renshou period (601-604) and the influence of Buddhism, will probe how the Buddhist theocracy in Sui dynasty affects the medieval Chinese empire administration. During the Renshou period, Emperor Wen of Sui utilized the building of Stupa to construct political ideology, absorb various social forces and increase the royalty of the ruled people of the empire. Through analyzing both the historical records and stone inscriptions, we could discover that Emperor Wen intended to build an ideal Buddhist empire. With bureaucratic dictatorship, such actirities as constructions of Stupa were carried out that people of the empire could take vows to abandon evil and act well, while paying their royalty to the government at the same time. This can be regarded as the true combination of Sui kingship and Buddhism. Besides, Buddhism was beneficial and helpful for the emperor to cultivate people and increase their royalty to the empire. Thus, there was duality in Emperor Wen’s kingship. He was not only the emperor who receive the will of heaven 天命, but the sacred Buddhist emperor as the builder of the local Buddhist community all over the empire. The Sui Emperor’s dual role was charaterized by the combination between Royalty and Buddhist theocracy.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISSN: 1026-969X
Appears in Collections:History - Publication

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