An exploratory study of the positive side of work-family dynamics = 工作與家庭正面互動之探索性研究

Project title
An exploratory study of the positive side of work-family dynamics = 工作與家庭正面互動之探索性研究
Principal Investigator
Grant Awarding Body
Research Grants Council
Grant Type
Faculty Development Scheme
Project Code
Amount awarded
Funding Year
Duration of the Project
24 months
Start date
Expected Completion
Work-family balance is an important concern among employees, human resources management, and psychologists. During the past decade, researchers began to place more emphasis on the positive side by investigating work-family enrichment. The construct of work-family enrichment refers to the experience of enhancement through a positive spillover from one domain to another domain (Carlson, Kacmar, Wayne, & Grzywacz, 2006). The spillover is bidirectional, meaning that the enhancement can be transferred from the work domain to the family domain, or from the family domain to the work domain. The study aims to explore the positive impact of different types of social support on work-family enrichment. In particular, it aims to investigate the competitive views of whether or not there will be a positive spillover effect in having a domain-specific type of social support. The findings will enable researchers to move forward in developing more relevant models to address the challenges in work-family balance.